熱帶氣旋蓮花的報告初版已經完成,大家可到 http://david.sam-siu.com/weather/2009/review/review200903w.html 查閱。由於一些資料必須等待天文台的正式報告才能加進去,所以最後版本將會於天文台的熱帶氣旋報告出爐後完成 (天文台通常於熱帶氣旋侵襲後三星期完成報告)。
I've finished writing the first draft of the tropical cyclone review for Linfa - if you remember this is the first storm that necessitated the first tropical cyclone warning signal of the year. It is available at http://david.sam-siu.com/weather/2009/review/review200903w.html. The final version will be available after the Observatory has issued its report so that I can incorporate more information into the review. (Usually the Observatory provides TC reports 3 weeks after their visits)